Review the Communist Manifesto
This year marked the 200th anniversity of Marx’s birthday and the 170th anniversity of the publication of the Communist Manifesto. So as to make party members stay true to the mission and keep in mind the ideal of communism, on the afternoon of 20th June, Anqing Foreign Language School’s General Party Branch organized all the party members to attend party class activities with the theme of learning ‘the Communist Manifesto’. The event was presided over by Deputy Secretary Sun Yijun with Anqing Foreign Language School’s General Party Branch and the keynote speaker was teacher Hu Sen, Commissary in charge of Publicity with Anqing Foreign Language School’s General Party Branch.
First of all, teacher Hu Sen introduced the foundation basis, basic ideas and text structure of the Communist Manifesto with profundity and an easy-to-understand approach in three aspects as follows: ‘Masterpiece based on Historical Materialism’, ‘the Greatest Programmatic Document in Scientific Socialism’ in addition to ‘A Shining Example of Marxism and Advancing with the Times’. Other than that, teacher Hu Sen explained the reason why the Communist Manifesto became the greatest framework document in scientific socialism, further analyzed the reason why capitalism still existed, the development process of communist ideals, localization of Marxism in China as well as Marxism with Chinese features.
Second of all, in combination with the actual conditions of our school, Deputy Secretary Sun Yijun reminded all the party members fo strengthen ‘Four Consciouness’ and build ‘Four Confidence’ in that a party member should have a firm mind, keep the belief and aim in mind, study diligently, work hard, come down to earth and work industriously.
In conclusion, party members who participated in this event expressed one after another that they benefited a lot from reviewing the Communist Manifesto and they would stay true to the mission in the future work to become role models to make contributions for Anqing Foreign Language School’s development.


